Sunday, November 8, 2015

Zip Zap Zop

Not really much to this daily update other than showing off a material project. We were tasked with going into Unreal Engine and messing with the node structure of the materials to see the results.

These were the Starfish Nick originally had. I just wanted to stack them for reference.

I forget exactly, but I believe these two were just me playing with the sliders on Nick's materials to make a slimy starfish and a dried up yellow one.

...Apparently I forgot to take screens of the three I did. Oh well. I played around with the textures to make three more starfish with my own experimental nodes. Mostly in the timing of the electric pulses on their backs.

Then cannon textures. The back three were my attempt to make them see through. Oh and the one does a blue pulse cuz I took the timing stuff from Nick's starfish and played around with them on the cannon.

Learned about texture material node working, but there's not too much to really show.

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